About Lois Robin
Lois Robin has produced 4 films to date, curated two environmental exhibits and published multiple articles on the environment. Whether through writing, speaking or making films or photographic exhibits, Lois expresses her caring and devotion to the natural world, and has done so since her youth.
A passionate champion of the environment, Lois wants to ensure that this planet is more environmentally sound, biodiverse, watered (does rainwater capture at her own home),… like many of us, seeking out the cutting edge of possible solutions.
A visionary media artist … striving to create new culture … not just taking carbon out of the air. Has been actively working on saving/regenerating our natural world … part of the Sierra Club since she was “knee high to a grasshopper.” Has helped make new State Parks … went on marches and walks in nature to ensure that her kids were properly brainwashed before they could walk.
Commissioner on the Fish and Wildlife Commission
Studied and built a native plant garden (which some initially called weeds). Studied native plants in So Cal and at Cabrillo College in Aptos, CA.
Background in psychology and anthropology. Always concerned with How we treat the land and one another.
Has been privileged to explore and express a lifelong interest in our connection to the land and environment, remembering back to the days as a kid swimming in (then clear) Lake Eerie in Michigan.